Tuesday, January 23, 2018Preserve your prized jewelry and watches By Matthew Cluxton Jewelry can be both sentimental and practical. Take care to preserve your collectible jewelry. Jewelry and watches have a strong appeal to many people. They can represent sentiment, personal adornment, private assets, family heirlooms and collectible works of art. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 23, 2018Divorce and the life insurance beneficiary Make sure your life insurance beneficiary designations are in order. These arrangements are easily overlooked in the event of divorce. While we all dream of happily ever after, various sources reveal that in the U.S. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 23, 2018Make sure loaned school items are covered Check coverage for items loaned from school. As each new school semester begins, take note of the items your child brings home. For example, many school districts are assigning laptop computers to students for their personal use. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 23, 2018Personal articles: Protect your valuable property Jewelry is just one category of items that can be protected with personal articles coverage. Gold and diamonds and furs, oh my! While your homeowners policy may cover valuables when lost, stolen or damaged, many policies limit the valuation of items such as jewelry, silverware, works of art, furs or collectibles. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 23, 2018Insuring your love in all of its stages Insure your love with life insurance appropriate for all stages of life. Think of your life as a series of stages: youth, adulthood, parenthood, maturity. Each stage has its own loves, its own rewards – and its own reasons to purchase life insurance. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 23, 2018Insuring your love, securing the future Life insurance can be a gift of love. Soul mate. Beloved. Spouse. Friend. Whatever you call your special loved one, Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate your relationship and offer a token of your affection. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 23, 2018Insuring what’s most important to you Significant life events are good reasons to evaluate your life insurance needs. Weddings. Bridal showers. Graduations. Family reunions. What is the connection between these joyous occasions and life insurance? The answer is, (drum roll please), they’re all reminders of love and protection. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 23, 2018New jewelry? Remember to insure those valuable gifts By Kirsten Faherty Protect your valuable gifts; remember to add them to your insurance policy. Valentine's Day, Christmas, Birthdays and Anniversaries provide us with good reasons for presenting special – and often valuable – gifts to our loved ones. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 23, 2018 What happens if your facility floods? Your team could be in danger and you may not be able to assist your community. Download our pre-flood readiness checklist to start assessing your risks: VFIS offers a pre-flood readiness checklist to start assessing your risks - http://www.vfis. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 23, 201810 ways to give yourself a better financial future By Cincinnati Insurance Married couples should talk over finances and agree on a path to proceed. Regularly examining your finances is a good habit to ensure an improved financial future. These tips can help you get your finances to a better spot to live a better life. READ MORE >>
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