Anders, Ireland & Marshall, Inc. Blog: wake county
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Wednesday, June 23, 2021RIDE-SHARING DRIVERS MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT COVERAGE AND PROTECTION FOR YOUR RIDE-SHARING ACTIVITY Ride-sharing occurs when customers make their personal vehicle available on the digital network of a transportation network company (TNC) for the transportation of people or delivery of goods for a fee. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 18, 2018Are we in a flood zone? Yes! We hear it over and over - "My home isn't in a flood zone." "Our business has business insurance." "This building is on a hill." Years ago, flood maps were not easily accessible to the public. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, June 26, 2018Your roof may be aging faster than you realize The roof of your home is its first line of defense against the elements. But as a roof ages, its ability to protect lessens. The manufacturer’s estimated lifetime rating for roof shingles is determined under ideal circumstances, READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 24, 2018Bought your boat to enjoy the freedom of being on the water? Let us help you protect that freedom You bought your boat to enjoy the freedom being on the water provides. Let us help you protect that freedom. With a custom insurance policy designed by your Anders, Ireland & Marshall Inc. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 2, 2018 Construction Boom in Wake County - And Deer are on the move! Spring and Fall seasons mean changing weather, daylight savings, and football season gets serious. But changing seasons also mean the seasonal migration of animals, particularly deer, throughout large parts of the country. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 23, 2018Make sure loaned school items are covered Check coverage for items loaned from school. As each new school semester begins, take note of the items your child brings home. For example, many school districts are assigning laptop computers to students for their personal use. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 23, 2018Insuring what’s most important to you Significant life events are good reasons to evaluate your life insurance needs. Weddings. Bridal showers. Graduations. Family reunions. What is the connection between these joyous occasions and life insurance? The answer is, (drum roll please), they’re all reminders of love and protection. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 11, 2017If your building was built before your community's first Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was issued - meaning you have a pre-firm policy and your building is located in a high-risk flood area on the current flood maps, the cost of your flood insurance is required to increase over time until the rates reflect the buildings true risk of flood damage. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 21, 2017Have you retired? Become a stay at home parent? We want to hear from YOU so we can update your auto policy! Your personal auto policy includes "usage" of your vehicle. Each car is rated for commercial use (a realtor driving clients to visit homes), commuting to and from work - even farming has a separate class. READ MORE >>
Friday, September 1, 2017We know we need more. But how much do we need? - How much can we afford? Is it expensive? -We have some thru work - but what if I switch jobs? -Doesn't social security offer something? Anything? -What about my student loans? READ MORE >>
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